You don’t have to go into explicit details about what you’re going through, but don’t skirt around the truth. If there is no one else to turn to, reasons to call out of work you have no choice but to take the mantle of caregiver. As always, be professional and give your employer as much of a heads up as possible.

Or, rather, they can, but as reliable transportation isn’t germane to their working situation, it isn’t a legitimate reason for them to call out. While this is not included in the common reasons to call out of work, it’s okay to admit that you need a break to rest and recharge. You can talk to your boss to request leave and explain your feelings. Be honest about how your lack of sleep affects your work, and communicate that you’re taking steps to address it.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

If you find yourself unable to get to work due to a transportation problem, contact your employer immediately. Be prepared to discuss potential solutions, such as finding alternative transportation or doing your work from home. Internet outages can prevent remote workers from completing tasks and may require taking a few hours or even a full day off of work. Contact your employer as soon as you detect a problem and find out how quickly the issue can be resolved. Of course, you should first explore other alternative solutions before calling out, such as using your phone’s hotspot or visiting a local café that offers free WiFi.

They require a commute to and from the doctor’s office, so it might be wise to call off work for at least half a day. Pushing yourself through sickness at work won’t help you feel better, plus your work will suffer. Taking sick days when you need them ultimately makes you more productive.

Put out-of-office messages to work for you when you’re away

Federal law mandates that employers provide unpaid time off for employees who are called to serve on a jury. If you receive an official summons, be sure to promptly notify your employer and provide them with a copy. Your employer should give you the necessary time off to fulfill your civic duty. You might have to take off work because your child or spouse experienced a sudden illness. Or, it could be your grandmother who suddenly needs help handling a heavy delivery because she’s incapable of doing so herself.

Taking some time off from work can be much-needed if you are stressed out with work and want to avoid burnout. Car trouble is an unpredictable obstacle that can legitimately keep someone from getting to work if they depend on their vehicle as a sole source of transportation. Issues can vary from breakdowns to minor accidents, creating logistical problems and safety concerns. In these cases, taking time off from work becomes a necessity. But your employer will likely have little patience for you missing work over an interpersonal conflict.

Follow company policies.

When calling out, your goal should be to ensure that your employer is informed quickly. However, using email, text, or a messenger could be appropriate, depending on your workplace. Estimates suggest that the cost of unscheduled absences – often due to lost productivity – comes in between $2,660 to $3,600 per employee per year. That’s a big deal to companies who want to remain profitable. While that may seem low, being short by even a single employee can be devastating, depending on a company’s or team’s workforce size and the nature of the role.

While this isn’t always a solid option for calling into work last minute, some companies do understand that employees may need the occasional mental health day. If your employer focuses on wellness and has policies that allow for these kinds of absences without repercussions, it could be a workable reason. Depending on your company culture, mental health days may be a legit reason to call out, no questions asked. If that term isn’t cool in your company, you can replace “taking a mental health day” with “investigating a health matter,” says Wakeman. Regardless, you shouldn’t wait until you’re completely burned out to step away.

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